Namespace org.accordproject.decoratorcommands0.1.0

Compatible with Concerto versions . Has 5 declarations.

Concerto JSON AST PlantUML XML Schema Typescript C# OData JSON Schema GraphQL Java Go Avro Markdown OpenAPI Protobuf Mermaid

Declared Types

      import org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.DecoratorCommandSetReference from
      import org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.CommandType from
      import org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.CommandTarget from
      import org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.Command from
      import org.accordproject.decoratorcommands.DecoratorCommandSet from



 * DecoratorCommandSet defines a set of instructions to add or update decorators
 * on model elements.
namespace org.accordproject.decoratorcommands

import concerto.metamodel.Decorator from

 * A reference to an existing named & versioned DecoratorCommandSet
concept DecoratorCommandSetReference {
    o String name
    o String version

 * Whether to upsert or append the decorator
enum CommandType {
    o UPSERT
    o APPEND

 * Which models elements to add the decorator to. Any null
 * elements are 'wildcards'. 
concept CommandTarget {
    o String namespace optional
    o String declaration optional
    o String property optional
    o String type optional 

 * Applies a decorator to a given target
concept Command {
    o CommandTarget target
    o Decorator decorator
    o CommandType type

 * A named and versioned set of commands. Includes are supported for modularity/reuse.
concept DecoratorCommandSet {
    o String name
    o String version
    o DecoratorCommandSetReference[] includes optional
    o Command[] commands